Bootstrapping procedure to determine PARAFAC model stability for a given number of components.
Bootstrapping procedure to determine PARAFAC model stability for a given number of components.
minNumComponents = 1,
maxNumComponents = 5,
numFolds = dim(dataset$data)[1],
considerGroups = FALSE,
groupVariable = "",
colourCols = NULL,
legendTitles = NULL,
xLabels = NULL,
legendColNums = NULL,
arrangeModes = NULL,
method = "als",
ctol = 1e-06,
maxit = 2500,
max_fn = 10000,
rel_tol = 1e-08,
abs_tol = 1e-08,
grad_tol = 1e-08,
numCores = 1
- dataset
See Fujita2023, Shao2019 or vanderPloeg2024.
- minNumComponents
Minimum number of components (default 1).
- maxNumComponents
Maximum number of components (default 5).
- numFolds
Number of bootstrapped models to create.
- considerGroups
Consider subject groups in calculating sparsity (default FALSE)
- groupVariable
Column name in dataset$mode1 that should be used to consider groups (default "")
- colourCols
Vector of strings stating which column names should be factorized for colours per mode.
- legendTitles
Vector of strings stating the legend title per mode.
- xLabels
Vector of strings stating the x-axis labels per mode.
- legendColNums
Vector of integers stating the desired number of columns for the legends per mode.
- arrangeModes
Vector of boolean values per mode, stating if the loadings should be arranged according to colourCols (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
- method
Use ALS algorithm ("als", default) or use all-at-once optimization ("opt"). The all-at-once optimization is based on a nonlinear conjugate gradient method with Hestenes-Stiefel updates and the More-Thuente line search algorithm.
- ctol
Relative change in loss tolerated to call the algorithm converged in the ALS case (default 1e-4).
- maxit
Maximum number of iterations allowed without convergence in the ALS case (default 500).
- max_fn
Maximum number of function evaluations allowed without convergence in the OPT case (default 10000).
- rel_tol
Relative change in loss tolerated to call the algorithm converged in the OPT case (default 1e-8).
- abs_tol
Absolute loss tolerated to call the algorithm converged in the OPT case (default 1e-8).
- grad_tol
Tolerance on the two-norm of the gradient divided over the number of elements in the gradient in the OPT case (default 1e-8).
- numCores
Number of cores to use. If set larger than 1, it will run the job in parallel (default 1)
A list containing the following:
models: All stabilized sign-flipped bootstrapped PARAFAC models.
modelPlots: A list of plots of the median model with error bars for each number of components.
FMSplot: A bar plot showing the Factor Match Scores per number of components (see Li et al., 2024).
FMS: FMS values that the FMS plot is based on.
processedFujita = processDataCube(Fujita2023, sparsityThreshold=0.99, centerMode=1, scaleMode=2)
modelStability = assessModelStability(processedFujita,